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Vineyard Bird Netting: A Comprehensive Guide

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Vineyards are prone to damage caused by birds that feed on grapes. Bird damage can significantly reduce yields and lead to economic losses for vineyard owners. To prevent bird damage, vineyard bird netting is a widely used solution. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to vineyard bird netting. We will cover everything from why bird netting is necessary, to the types of bird netting available, to how to install and maintain it.

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Why Is Vineyard Bird Netting Necessary?

Birds, especially starlings, robins, and blackbirds, are known to damage vineyards by eating the fruit. Bird damage can lead to a loss of yield, and in severe cases, the total loss of a crop. Netting provides an effective barrier between birds and the grapes, thus reducing damage caused by birds.

Types of Vineyard Bird Netting

There are two main types of vineyard bird netting: exclusion netting and overhead netting.

Exclusion Netting

Exclusion netting is also known as side netting, and it is a type of netting that is draped over the vines, creating a physical barrier between the fruit and the birds. Exclusion netting is the most commonly used type of bird netting in vineyards.

Overhead Netting

Overhead netting is a type of netting that is suspended over the vines, covering the entire vineyard. Overhead netting is less common than exclusion netting, but it can be more effective in areas with high bird populations.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Vineyard Bird Netting

When choosing vineyard bird netting, there are several factors to consider:

Mesh Size

The mesh size of the netting determines the size of the birds that can be excluded. For small birds like sparrows, a mesh size of ¾ inch is recommended. For larger birds like pigeons, a mesh size of 1 ½ inches is recommended.


Bird netting is typically made of either polyethylene or polypropylene. Polyethylene is more durable and longer-lasting, but it is also more expensive. Polypropylene is less expensive but has a shorter lifespan.

UV Resistance

UV resistance is an important factor to consider when choosing bird netting. UV rays can cause the netting to deteriorate over time, reducing its effectiveness. Look for netting that is UV-resistant and has a long lifespan.

How to Install Vineyard Bird Netting

Installing bird netting in a vineyard can be a challenging task, but it is essential for protecting the grapes. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to install vineyard bird netting:

Measure the area that needs to be covered.

Purchase the appropriate size and type of netting.

Assemble the necessary equipment, including poles, wires, and clips.

Install the poles and wires, creating a framework for the netting.

Drape the netting over the framework, ensuring that there are no gaps.

Secure the netting to the framework using clips or ties.

Inspect the netting regularly for damage or holes and make repairs as necessary.

Maintaining Vineyard Bird Netting

To ensure that the netting remains effective, it is essential to maintain it properly. Here are some tips for maintaining vineyard bird netting:

Inspect the netting regularly for damage or holes and make repairs as necessary.

Remove any debris or leaves that may accumulate on the netting, as this can create gaps where birds can enter.

Take down the netting during the off-season to prevent damage from snow or ice.


Vineyard bird netting is an essential tool for protecting grape crops from bird damage. There are two main types of netting available: exclusion netting and overhead netting. When choosing netting, it is important to consider factors such as mesh size, material, and UV resistance. Installing and maintaining bird netting can be challenging, but it is necessary for protecting the grapes. Regular inspections and repairs are necessary to ensure that the netting remains effective.


How long does vineyard bird netting last?

The lifespan of vineyard bird netting depends on the material and UV resistance. Polyethylene netting can last up to 10 years, while polypropylene netting has a shorter lifespan of around 5 years.

Will bird netting harm the birds?

No, bird netting is designed to exclude birds without harming them. The netting creates a physical barrier between the birds and the grapes, preventing them from accessing the fruit.

Can vineyard bird netting be reused?

Yes, vineyard bird netting can be reused if it is properly maintained and stored. Inspect the netting regularly for damage, and store it in a dry, cool place during the off-season.

Can vineyard bird netting be installed by one person?

Installing vineyard bird netting can be a challenging task, and it is recommended to have at least two people for the job. One person can install the poles and wires, while the other person can drape the netting over the framework.

Will vineyard bird netting affect the quality of the grapes?

No, vineyard bird netting will not affect the quality of the grapes as long as it is properly installed and maintained. The netting creates a physical barrier between the birds and the grapes, preventing damage and allowing the grapes to mature properly.